PSYA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 17: Paranoid Schizophrenia, Paranoid Personality Disorder, Hallucination

PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Chapter 17 nature and causes of psychological disorders. A schizophrenic patient is talking to a psychologist/psychiatrist and he said i feel like i was called here to be electrocuted, killed tortured for my sins and it"s scary because that picture over there has a headache. Patient: sperm and egg make a baby and only one sperm. When they touch, it"s nuclear fusion instead of formation of a human being. When you look at him, you can tell right away that the patient is engaging in this repetitive behaviour by twirling his hair. You can tell there"s something odd about him and as soon as he speaks. He"s delusional, odd behaviours, his thoughts are all over the place. When he talks, you realize, the thigns he"s saying don"t go together. She"s been suffering from it for 20 years. Just by looking at her, you can"t tell there"s anything wrong with her.