PSYA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 10: Gestational Age, Prenatal Development, Blastocyst

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Developmental psychology: the study of change and stability of human physical, cognitive, social and behavioural characteristics across the life span. Cross-sectional design: used to measure and compare samples of people at different ages at a given point in time (comparing premature babies into adulthood using different age groups) Longitudinal design: follows the development of the same set of individuals through time (identify a set of 50 infants and measure cognitive development over 20 years) Stages: rapid shifts in thinking and behaving. Sensitive period: a window of time during which exposure to a specific type of environmental stimulation is needed for normal development of a specific ability. Germinal stage: the first phase of prenatal development that spans from conception to two weeks. Zygote: a cell formed by the fusion of sperm and an ovum. Gestational age: the estimated time since fertilization. Blastocyst: 5 days old; contains 50 to 150 nonspecialized cells; develops into embryo and fetus forms.