PSYA02H3 Chapter Notes -American Psychiatric Association, Mental Disorder, Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders

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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Maladaptive behaviour: behaviour that hinders a person"s ability to function in society. Impairs ability to function in day to day activities. Increases risk of injury, death, legal problems or punishment. Diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorders (fourth edition, dsm-iv): establishes criteria got the diagnosis of mental disorders; american psychiatric association; provides info for determining presence of 350 metal disorders. For each, guidelines display 3 important pieces of info about an individual"s experience: a set of symptoms, the etiology or cause of symptoms, and prognosis or how symptoms will change over time. Mostly determined by observations of clients or patients rather than genes, neurotransmitters or brain abnormalities. Dimensional view: most symptoms are typical, just last longer than usual (long stress in ptsd) Categorical view: a disorder is not an extreme version of normal thoughts, but something different altogether; down syndrome. 25% of americans will experience a disorder within a given year.

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