PSYA02H3 Chapter 12: Chapter 12-lifespan development.docx

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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Discussing the physical, intellectual and social changes that we go through as we age, and some problems associated with abnormal development. Cross-sectional study: individuals of different ages are compared at the same time. Longitudinal study: a study of development at which the same people are observed at different times in their lives. Rapid physical development to nervous system and body. Increasing ability to think logically and reason abstractly ; refinement of motor skills, peer influences. Thinking and reasoning becomes more adult like; identity crisis; peer influences. Love , committed relationship; career; stability and then decrease in physical abilities. Reflection on life"s work and accomplishments , prepare for death; death. Prenatal period- (nine months) between conception and birth, the period is separated ino three developmental stages: zygotic, embryonic and the fetal phases. Genetic contribution of the egg and sperm that determines the genotype of the new individual. Prenatal development is not a matter of cellular replication .

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