PSYA02H3 Chapter : Zimbardo's experiment movie
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Manger"s ex-fianc e because he was the one who demand & did the sex act on the woman (employee) cbc it is tv program host by avis ( good on one-one interview, but horrible on group control/ interview) they have the me they are trying to promote (exam) : Zimbardo/ stanford prison study : ad: male college students needed for psychological study of prison life. per day for 1-2 weeks beginning aug 14. For further info & applications come to room 248, jordan hall, stanford u. this ad is one of the most impt things you could take from the exp another impt part is the film is cbc big picture. Zimbardo exp is disturbing for prof for couple of reasons zimbardo is supposedly a very nice man & has done a lot of wrk he is philanthropist & famous in psych field.