PSYA02H3 Chapter 14: Chapter 14 TEXTBOOK NOTES - MIDTERM REVIEW (Personality)

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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Personality: a particular pattern of behaviour and thinking that prevails across time and situations and differentiates one person from another. hippocrates first greek physician to explain differences in personality in 4th century c. e: then refined by galen in 2nd century c. e. 4 humours: yellow bile choleric people bad-tempered and ir ritable, black bile melancholic people gloomy and pessimistic, phlegm phlegmatic people sluggish, calm, unexcitable, blood sanguine people cheerful and passionate. personality types: difference categories into which personality characteristics can be assigned based on factors such as developmental experiences or physical experiences. personality trait: an enduring personal characteristic that reveals itself in a particular pattern of behaviour in a variety of situations. Influential trait categorization models: the theories of gordon allport, Raymond cattell, and hans eysenck, five factor model. gordon allport"s search for t raits: believed traits were neuropsychological properties that led to behavioural consistencies, all traits have equal influence on their possessors.