PSYB01H3 Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Notes
Document Summary
Who we study: a note on term i nology: apa says humans in psych. research are participants , also called: Common sense: helps us ask questions, use research to prove right/wrong, e. g. Picture worth a thousand words , pics can also detract from learning. Theories: theory is collective ideas about a topic or phenomenon, organize and explain facts, e. g. Science citation index and social sciences citation index: science citation index and social sciences citation index: search resource, tells you which articles cited the one you picked, allows you to find more articles. Literature reviews summarize research in fields: e. g. psychological bulletin and annual review of psychology. Other electronic search resources: eric (educational resources information center, psycaritcles all articles from apa, not just abstracts, shouldn"t limit ourselves to full-text databases. Apa, cpa meetings: evaluating web information, association - website associated with major educational institution or research org. is good.