PSYB01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Attachment Therapy, Cultural Psychology, College Board
Document Summary
Schwartz and colleagues gave the maximization scale this set of 13 statements to thousands of people and found the highest score was 75. Psychology: scientific study of people, the mind and the behaviour focuses attention on virtually endless questions about how we feel, think, behave, believe and interact. Scientific method: these rules reflect procedures and techniques for conducting and evaluating psychological research. Together these rules, procedures and techniques form a unified conceptual framework a form way of thinking about a problem, idea or question. Empiricism: knowledge is gained thru experience, observation and experiment. In science, the term empirical is used to denote info gained objectively from observation or experimentation. This info referred to as data is described as empirical because it can be measured and evaluated statistically. Anecdotal evidence: impressions/opinions of just one person, usually, that are not translated into a quantifiable form.