PSYB01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Facial Action Coding System, Social Sciences Citation Index, American Psychological Association
Document Summary
What comes first, the simple act of smiling or the positive emotional feeling. The research method and design you choose depend greatly on the questions asked and the answers you hope to discover. There are two very broad research approaches used by researchers: experimental and non-experimental. Only experimental design allows for testing to cause-and-effect relationships. Ekman found that most social scientists understood emotional expression in the face to be culturally determined by a set of learned social conventions. Had a very different idea, which could be traced back to what darwin said, which was that all mammals communicate their emotions through their facial expression. New guinea, and there he found that these tribe folks had no problem interpreting various facial expressions of emotions: ekman began his work as a true cultural psychologist. Facial expressions of emotions were not socially learned but rather are the universal products of evolution.