PSYB01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 11: Drug Abuse Resistance Education, Interrupted Time Series, Program Evaluation
Document Summary
Single-case designs and reasons to use it. 5 types of evaluations in program evaluation research: needs assessment, program assessment, process evaluation, outcome evaluation, efficiency assessment. One-group pretest-posttest design, threats to internal validity: history, maturation, testing, instrument decay, regression toward mean. Nonequivalent control group design and nonequivalent control group pretest-protest design, advantages of having control. Interrupted time series design vs. control series design. Cross-sectional, longitudinal, sequential research designs, advantages + disadvantages. Internal validity: independent variable truly is the cause of observed responses on dependent variable. Often true in the classical design used in behavioral sciences, however, can use other designs for special research problems. 3 types of special research situations: a) effect of independent variable is inferred from an experiment with only one participant: single-case. b) pre-experimental and quasi-experimental designs: research designs for studying changes occurring with age. Early interest came from research on operant conditioning by skinner. Today, often seen in clinical, counseling, educational, applied settings.