PSYB10H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Stanley Milgram, Wilhelm Wundt, Psych
Document Summary
Hurt from physical/emotional pain = some part of brain activated. People who have experience with other cultures are more creative: suggest that multi-cultural = more flexible thinkers. Study of how individuals think, feel and behave in a social context. Scientific study social psych applies the scientific method of systematic observation, description and measurement to the study of the human condition. People"s private/unconscious beliefs and most passionate emotions. Difference: sociology compares people by group factors, while social psych focuses on the individual (in a group context) Emphasis is on social nature of individual. Social psychological pursuits when: concern other people. Social context does not have to be real/present. Expose children to intervention/coping = less negative after seeing images. Social psychology and related fields: social psych and sociology. Sociology group: social psych and clinical psych: Clinical psych treat people with psychological difficulties/disorders. Social psych not disorders but how individual feels.