PSYB10H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Blood Sugar, Procrastination, Self-Control

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1 Oct 2013

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The capacity for self-reflection is necessary for people to feel as if they understand their own motives and emotions and the causes of their behavior. Self is heavily influenced by social factors: the way we manage ourselves is influenced by the people around us. Abcs of self: a: affect, b: behavior, c: cognition. Cocktail party effect tendency of people to pick a personally relevant stimulus out of a complex environment: people are selective in their attention, self is an important object of our own attention. When body image is a conspicuous aspect of the self-concept then it is considered schematic. When body image is not an important part of their lives its considered as aschematic. Gallup (1997) proved that apes can perceive their mirrored images as their own: self recognition among great apes and human infants is the first clear expression of the concept me .

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