PSYB10H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Behavioural Genetics, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Social Cognition

125 views4 pages
24 Oct 2013

Document Summary

The scientific study of how individual think, feel, and behave in a social context. We can learn about human behavior from novels, films, history and philosophy. Applies the scientific method: systematic observation, description and measurement to the study of the human condition. Social psych looks at: people"s private, unconscious beliefs and attitudes, most passionate emotions, heroic, cowardly or mundane public behaviors. Look at a wide variety of attitudes and contexts (how people feel towards certain things) Social psychologists strive to establish general principles of attitude formation and change that apply in a variety of situations. Social psychology focuses on psychology of the individual not exactly a domain. Social psych looks at the social nature of individuals. Attempt to establish general principles of human behavior: examine nonsocial factors to find this, examine people"s thoughts about nonsocial things. Social context referred to in definition of social psychology does not have to be rela or present.

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