PSYB10H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Normative Social Influence, Norm (Social), Physical Attractiveness
Document Summary
Judgment on mr. justice macaulay on may 10th 1999 begins with the statement, reena virk died on. During an exchange with reena virk, a student extinguished a lit cigarette on her forehead. One girl testified that she grabbed a lighter and tried to set vrik"s hair on fire; others began punching and kicking her. According to the pathologist, virk"s head injuried were severe enough to be life threatening considered the force of these injuries alone were severe enough to be life threatening. She suffered massive internal injuries considered to be the force of being run over by a car. Unconscious, she was dragged by kelly ellard and warren glowatski to the gorge waterway close to victoria, where she was drowned. Glowatski and ellard were charged wiwh 2-degree murder. 6 other girls involved in the beating were given sentences ranging from 60-day conditional sentence to 1 year in jail.