PSYB10H3 Chapter 2: Chapter 2
Document Summary
Self- knowledge and the need to maintain self-esteem: william james described the basic duality of our perception of self, 1. The self is comprised of one"s thoughts and beliefs about oneself, or what he called the known or me : 2. In western culture people have an independent view of the self. Independent view of the self- defining oneself in terms of one"s own internal thoughts, feelings, and actions, and not in terms of the thoughts, feelings, and actions of other people. In eastern culture people have an interdependent view of the self. In the sentence completion test, it was found that women hold a more relational view of the self, but only in individualist cultures, like. In collectivist culture that emphasize interdependence, women and men were equally likely to hold a relational view of the self: men tend to define themselves in social groups, such as sport teams to which they belong.