PSYB10H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Social Comparison Theory, Motivation, Self-Awareness
Document Summary
Williams james described the basic duality of our perception of self: the self is composed of one"s thoughts and beliefs about oneself. 1: the self is also the active processor of information, the knower or the i . The contents of oneself: that is, our knowledge about who we are. Which is the act of thinking about ourselves. These two concepts of the self concept and self awareness combine to create a coherent sense of identity. People who are low on self concept clarity are more likely to be neurotic and have low self-esteem, and are less likely to be aware of their internal states. They are less likely to engage in positive forms of self focus such as reflection. Self concepts in humans develop around age 2-3 years (using the mirror rough test) Mental structures that help us to organize our knowledge about ourselves and that influence what we notice, think about, and remember about ourselves.