PSYB10H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Croissant, Junk Food, Racial Profiling
Document Summary
Automatic thinking thought that is unconscious, unintentional, involuntary and effortless. Helps us understand new situation by relating them to our prior experiences. Schemas people formally use schemas, which are mental structure that organize our knowledge about the social world. These mental structures influence the information we notice, think about, and. Given a label, we fill in he blanks with all kinds of schema-consistent remember. information. Typically very useful for helping us organize and make sense of the world and to fill in the gaps of our knowledge. Accessibility the extend to which schemas and concepts are at the forefront of our minds and therefore are likely to be used when we are making judgments about the social world. Schemas are accessible for three reasons: some schemas are chronically accessible due to past experience. This means that schemas are constantly active and ready to use to interpret ambiguous situations: schemas can become accessible because they are relation to a current goal.