PSYB10H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Sarcasm, Sleep Deprivation, Fundamental Attribution Error
Document Summary
How people communicate intentionally or unintentionally, without word nonverbal cues include facial expressions, tone of voice, gestures, body position, movement, use of touch and eye gaze. Help express their emotions, attitudes and their personality. These effects are especially pronounced when we like the other person consider him or her to be a member of a group. Tendency to mimic other people may reflect empathy- the capacity to feel what someone else"s is feeling. Nonverbal contradiction- sarcasm ex i am so happy for you! Are particular to each culture and dictate what kind of expression people. Ex men cannot grieve or cry, but it"s acceptable for women to grieve or. Nonverbal gestures that have well understood definitions within a given culture; they usually have direct verbal translations, such as okay or up yours (middle finger) or peace . However it is not universal within every culture.