PSYB30H3 Chapter 11: Chapter 11 Key Terms

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8 May 2011

Document Summary

Chapter 11 the interpretation of stories: from freud to today. Freud argued the meanings of our lives and the stories about our lives lie hidden in the unconscious. He believed that human behaviour and experience are determined by forces over which we have very little control and about which we are generally aware. Oedipus complex: from the psychoanalytic standpoint, the most common pattern is revealed in the fantasy lives of young children, wherein they may feel unconscious sexual feelings toward one parent and highly aggressive even murderous, feelings toward another. Oedipus complex is more than an unconscious problem facing preschoolers fundamental story for making sense of any life from a freudian standpoint. Castration anxiety: the fear that one"s penis will be cut off, but more profoundly it may symbolize the child"s fear that he will, like oedipus lose his power.