PSYB30H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 19: Paranoid Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder
Document Summary
Erratic group: persons with these disorders appear erratic, emotional, and have difficulties getting along with others. Includes antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders. Eccentric group: persons with these disorders appear odd, eccentric, do not get along well with others. Anxious group: persons with these disorders appear anxious, fearful, apprehensive, and have trouble with social relationships: all personality disorders involve impaired social relations, categories or dimensions, categorical view. Either the person does or does not have personality disorder. Disorders are viewed as distinct and qualitatively different from normal extremes on some trait: dimensional view. Indifferent to suffering of others: a closer look: theories of the antisocial mind, borderline personality disorder. Strong need for attention: narcissistic personality disorder. Lack of insight into other peoples" feelings or needs. Envious of others: eccentric group: ways of being different, schizoid personality disorder. Passive in the face of unpleasant events: schizotypal personality disorder. Anxious in social relations and avoids people.