PSYB30H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9: American Psychological Association, Oedipus Complex, Repetition Compulsion

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I(cid:374) f(cid:396)eud"s theo(cid:396)(cid:455), the(cid:396)e (cid:449)e(cid:396)e t(cid:449)o fu(cid:374)da(cid:373)e(cid:374)tal (cid:272)atego(cid:396)ies of i(cid:374)sti(cid:374)(cid:272)ts: self-preservation instincts and sexual instincts. Clara rebello: corresponded e(cid:454)a(cid:272)tl(cid:455) to t(cid:449)o (cid:373)ajo(cid:396) (cid:272)o(cid:373)po(cid:374)e(cid:374)ts of da(cid:396)(cid:449)i(cid:374)"s theo(cid:396)(cid:455): sele(cid:272)tio(cid:374) by survival and selection by reproduction, eventually put the self-preservation and sexual instincts into one the life instinct, usually referred to as libido. Id: something we are born with and the source of all drives and urges: operates strictly according to the pleasure principle: the desire for immediate gratification. Id does(cid:374)"t liste(cid:374) to (cid:396)easo(cid:374), does(cid:374)"t follo(cid:449) logi(cid:272), has (cid:374)o (cid:448)alues o(cid:396) (cid:373)o(cid:396)als, a(cid:374)d has very little patience: also operates with primary process thinking: thinking without logical rules of conscious thought or an anchor (ex. Why is psychoanalysis important: f(cid:396)eud"s ideas had a p(cid:396)ofou(cid:374)d i(cid:374)flue(cid:374)(cid:272)e o(cid:374) ho(cid:449) the (cid:373)i(cid:374)d (cid:449)as u(cid:374)de(cid:396)stood to ope(cid:396)ate. Clara rebello: psychoanalytic ideas influence the practice of psychotherapy even today, the second largest division of the american psychological association is the.

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