PSYB30H3 Chapter 1: Chapter 1.docx
Document Summary
Personality psychology scientific study of whole person, construct credible account of psychological individuality. Individual differences: developing ways to classify, categorize and organize diversity of psychological individuality, and biological environmentally forces and factors that explain those difference. Personality portrait: general statements concerning her characteristic patterns of behavioural evidence that is not sufficient to give your complete confidence in assumptions. Personality traits: general, internal and comparative dispositions attributed to people in initial efforts, account for consistencies we perceive or expect in behaviour form 1 situation to the next over time. Ways to quantify individual differences in trait: self-report questionnaires (people know themselves) >18,000 in english dictionary, 4500 were relatively stable and enduring dispositional traits. Big 5 traits: ocean: openness to experience (o, conscientiousness , extraversion , agreeableness (a, neuroticism (n) Trait attributions are useful b/c they tell us about trends in behaviour over time and across different situations, settings an contexts contextualized in time, place and/or role.