PSYB30H3 Chapter 8: Chapter 8 in detail
Document Summary
Chapter 8: personality social cognitive aspects: the psychology of personal constructs. Exploring personal constructs: rep test: cognitive styles and personality. Integrative complexity: social-cognitive theory and the person (feature 8. a religious values and personality) Assumption human beings are complex information-processing systems that operate in social environments . social cognitive adaptations traits provide a rough sketch; characteristic mental representations of self and social behavior (social-cognitive aspect) help fill in gaps. George kelley"s theory person (as an inquisitive scientist) is motivated to predict or anticipate what will happen to him. cannot simply use: sexual & aggressive instincts (freud), principles of reinforcement (behaviorists), needs & motives (murray & Mcclelland), or goals, strivings, or urge to self-actualize (rogers & maslow) to explain what motivates ppl to act. Ppl are alive, they act by virtue of being alive. Personal constructs characteristic ways of construing how some things are alike and some things different from one another (bipolar; e. g. serious/funny)