PSYB32H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Telepathy, Cluster B Personality Disorders, Arson
Document Summary
Chapter 13: personality disorders: personality disorder (pds): a heterogeneous group of disorders that are coded on axis ii of the dsm. Individuals would not be diagnosed as having personality disorders unless the patterns of behaviour were long-standing, pervasive and dysfunctional: often co-morbid with axis i disorders. Classifying personality disorders: clusters, categories and problems: the reliability of personality disorder diagnoses have improved because of. 2 developments: the publication of specific diagnostic criteria, the development of structured interviews specially designed for assessing personality disorders, test-rests reliability is also an important factor for evaluation. Millon clinical multiaxial inventory which is now in its third edition. Issues of self report measures of personality disorders: the goal is to obtain accurate diagnoses; mcmi-iii is best used in conjunction with a clinical interview such as the personality disorder. Odd/eccentric cluster: 3 paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal pds, symptoms are similar to those of schizophrenia (especially its prodromal and residual phase)