PSYB32H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Talking Cure, Relaxation Technique, Aphonia
Document Summary
Chapter 7: somatic symptom disorders and dissociative disorders. Dissociative disorders: disorders in which the normal integration of consciousness, memory, or identity is suddenly and temporarily altered; dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality) , depersonalization disorder are example. Somatic symptom disorder: a newly described diagnosis in dsm-5 devised to apply to disorders that have been removed from the latest version (somatization disorder, hypochondriasis, pain disorder)). A central theme is experiencing somatic symptoms that cause significant distress or impairment and that involve excessive thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in response to these symptoms. Body dysmorphic disorder (bdd): a disorder categorized in the dsm-5 under ocd; marked by preoccupation with an imagined or exaggerated defect in appearance; for example: wrinkles and excess facial and body hair. Hypochondriasis: a somatoform disorder in which the person, misinterpreting rather ordinary physical sensations, is preoccupied with fears of having a serious disease and is not dissuaded by medical opinion.