PSYB32H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 16: Vascular Dementia, Neurofibrillary Tangle, Urinary Tract Infection
Document Summary
Ageism: discrimination against any person based on chronological age: mental health professionals believed in popular misconceptions intellectual deterioration is prevalent and inevitable, depression is widespread and untreatable. Canada is underprepared to deal with uprising senior patients. Ca(cid:374)ada has (cid:374)o for(cid:373)al progra(cid:373) o(cid:374) (cid:858)gerops(cid:455)(cid:272)holog(cid:455)(cid:859) psychology focus on mental health in older people. Issues, concepts and methods in study of older adults. Older population is most diverse age cohort: people tend to become less alike as they older. Findings from investigation: pre(cid:448)ale(cid:374)(cid:272)e of alzhei(cid:373)er(cid:859)s disease is 8% i(cid:374) canada, Most primary caregivers are female and married physical frailty associated with greater levels of psychiatric illness, not older age frailty defined as having multiple, interacting illnesses hypertension is associated with increased likelihood of progressing to dementia. Cross-sectional studies: compares different age groups age groups at the same moment in time on the variable of interest. Dsm-5 might use this assessment to separate delirium into 2 categories: major neurocognitive disorder.