PSYB32H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Panic Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Truancy

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Personality disorders (pds): heterogeneous group of disorders that are regarded as long-standing, The publication of dsm-iii began a trend toward improved reliability: pds were also placed on a separate axis, axis ii, to ensure that diagnosticians would pay attention to their possible presence. Why is there continuing interest in implementing a dimensional diagnostic system for personality. Tests of the categorical approach reflected in dsm-5 vs. a dimensional approach provide strong support for the dimensional approach. A significant challenge is that many disorders are egosyntonic (the person with a personality disorder is typically unaware that a problem exists and may not be experiencing significant personal distress); the person lacks insight into their own personality. The assessment and diagnosis of pds are enhanced when the significant others in an individual"s life become informants. Narcissists tend to have highly inflated and grandiose self-views; informants tend to report higher.

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