PSYB32H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Substance Dependence, Deinstitutionalisation, Genetic Counseling
Document Summary
Germ theory of disease: general view in medicine, established by pasteur. Which disease is caused by infection of body by minute organisms and viruses. Psychogenesis consider mental illness is due to psychological malfunction: mesmer: believed hysterical disorders were caused by particular distribution of universal magnetic fluid in body. Cured patients with hysterical disorder by hypnosis, using metal rods. Cathartic method: patient recalls and relives an earlier emotional catastrophe, and re- experience tension and unhappiness: therapeutic procedure introduced by breuer, developed further by freud by late 19th century, goal is to relieve emotional suffering. Many people are suspicious of people with psychological disorders, due to threats and violence. Stereotyping: fixed belief that typically involves negative generalization about group or class of people: members of general public often endorse number of negative beliefs about mentally ill people. Stigmatization: reduction in status of group of people: ex. Mentally ill people due to their perceived deficiencies.