PSYB32H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Thematic Apperception Test, Concurrent Validity, Evidence Based Assessment
Document Summary
Therapeutic assessment: in most instances, assessment is treated as a separate enterprise that leads eventually to diagnosis and treatment. Inter-rater reliability: refers to the degree to which two independent observers or judges agree. For example: in baseball the third base umpire may or may not agree with the home-plate umpire as to whether a line drive down the left field line is fair or foul. Test-retest reliability: measures the extent to which people being observed twice or taking the same test twice, perhaps several weeks or months apart, score in generally the same way. Alternate-form reliability: the extent to which scores on the two forms of the test are consistent. Validity: is generally related to whether a measure fulfills its intended purpose. Content validity: refers to whether a measure adequately samples the domain of interest. Criterion validity: is evaluated by determining whether a measure is associated in an expected way with some other measure (the criterion).