PSYB32H3 Chapter Notes -Bipolar Disorder, Personal Distress, Transvestism
Document Summary
Chapter 1: definitional and historical considerations andcanada"s mental health system. Brett"s childhood therapy: his recent inability to maintain an erection when making love to his wife was the immediate reason for his seeking, brett didn"t have a happy childhood. His mother died when he was only 6 and for the next 10 yrs he lived either with his father or with a maternal aunt. Statistical infrequency is used explicitly in diagnosing mental retardation: when an indiv iq is below 70 his or her intellectual functioning is considered sufficiently below subnormal to be designated as mental retardation. Violation of norms: consider whether the beh violates norms or threatens or makes anxious those observing it, violation of norms is too broad and too narrow, cultural diversity can affect how ppl view social norms. What is the norm in one culture may be abnormal in another.