PSYB32H3 Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - Detailed
Document Summary
General characteristic of mood disorders: mood disorder: involve disabling disturbances in emotion from sadness of depression to the elation and irritability of mania. Depression signs and symptoms: depression: emotional state marked by great sadness and feelings of worthlessness and guilt. Symptoms: withdrawal from others and loss of sleep, appetite, sexual desire, and interest and pleasure in usual activities. Associated with other problems panic attacks, substance abuse, sexual dysfunction, and personality disorder. They may speak slowly, after long pauses, using few words, monotonous voice: may neglect personal hygiene and appearance and make numerous complains of somatic. They prefer to sit alone and remain silent symptoms with no apparent physical base. Vary across the lifespan (symptoms: children results in somatic complaints (headaches or stomach aches, older adults (distractibility and complaints of memory loss) Some cross cultural variation because of difference in cultural standards of acceptable behaviour: psychologizers: people who emphasize the psychological aspects of depression o.