PSYB32H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9: Brain Size, Heritability, White Matter
Document Summary
Anorexia and bulimia share that there is an intense fear of being overweight: anorexia: loss of appetite, nervosa: caused by emotional reasons, most patients starve themselves but they become preoccupied with food; they may read. But most patients with anorexia nervosa actually don"t lose their appetite in food cookbooks constantly and prepare gourmet meals for their families. * intense fear or gaining weight and the fear is not reduced by weight loss o. * amenorrhea: loss of the menstrual period o: but this loss of period occurs in a minority of women before any significant weight loss. Eating disorder inventory: self report of eating disorders; questionnaire. 2 types of anorexia: restricting type: weight loss is achieved by severely limiting food intake, binge eating-purging type: person regularly engages in being eating and purging. Patient exhibit more personality disorders, impulsive behaviour, stealing, alcohol and drug abuse, social withdrawal and suicide.