PSYB32H3 Chapter 7: Abnormal Psychology CH 7 Stoma
Document Summary
There was controversy that somatoform disorders should be removed from the dsm 5; concerns that resulted in some major changes in the new dsm 5 were: terminology is often unacceptable to patients, the distinction between disease based symptoms and those are psychogenic may be more apparent than real, there is great heterogeneity among the disorders the only common links is physical illness that is not attributable to an organic cause, the disorders are incompatible with other culture, there is ambiguity in the stated exclusion criteria, the subcategories fail to achieve accepted standard of reliability. To meet the previous diagnostic criteria, the person needed to have: four pain symptoms in different locations (e. g. head, back, joint), two gastrointestinal symptoms (e. g. diarrhea, nausea), one sexual symptom other than pain (e. g. indifference to sex, erectile dysfunction), one pseudoneurological symptom (e. g. those of conversion disorder)