PSYB32H3 Chapter 5: Chapter 5 covered in week 4 of FALL 2010 semester

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31 Mar 2011

Document Summary

Psyb32 chapter 5: research methods in the study of abnormal behav. Science and scientific methods: science = pursuit of systematized knowledge through observation; always imp for scientific obs and explanations to be testable and reliable. If the event cannot be reproduced, scientists become wary of the legitimacy of the original observation. Primary goal of science is to advance theories to account for data, often by proposing cause-effect relationships; a theory permits the generation of hypotheses to be tested in research. Hypothesis = the specific prediction about the outcome of an experiment; it is based on the assumption that the theory in question is accurate; hypotheses are expectations about what should occur if a theory is t rue. A theoretical concept, such as acquired fear, is useful in accounting for the fact that some earlier experience can have an effect on current behave.