PSYB32H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 12: Endorphins, Canadian Studies, Socalled

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1 Apr 2011

Document Summary

From prehistoric times, humankind has used various substances in the hope of reducing physical pain or altering states of consciousness. Almost all peoples have discovered some intoxicant that affects the cns, relieving physical and mental anguish or producing euphoria. Despite the often devastating consequences of taking such substances into the body, their initial effects are usually pleasing, a factor that is perhaps the root of substance abuse. the person develops tolerance, indicated by either (a) larger doses of the substance needed to produce the desired affect or (b) the effects of the drug becoming markedly less if drug are required to produce the same effect. withdrawal symptoms negative physical and physiological effects develop when the usual amount is taken tolerance a physiological process in which greater and greater amounts of an. Substance dependence is characterized by dsm-iv-tr as the presence of at least 3 of the following: being the addictive person to death usage effects exacerbated and.

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