PSYB45H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Intellectual Disability, Developmental Disability, Applied Behavior Analysis

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28 Jun 2017

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In capsi, students who excelled in specific areas of the (cid:272)ourse (cid:272)ould a(cid:272)t as (cid:862)peer re(cid:448)ie(cid:449)ers(cid:863), as (cid:449)ell as allo(cid:449)i(cid:374)g stude(cid:374)ts to re(cid:272)ei(cid:448)e (cid:373)u(cid:272)h (cid:373)ore su(cid:271)sta(cid:374)ti(cid:448)e feed(cid:271)a(cid:272)k. Chapter 2: areas of application: an overview: developmental disability was proposed as an alternative term to mental retardation, although it has a more broader meaning. Autism: characteristics of children with autism, some combination of impaired social behaviour. It has shown to help children with autism to enter a regular classroom at the normal school age: there is an increasing number of government funded eibi programs. Saving money, exercising, engaging in good study habits. It emphasizes: specific staff activities that characterize successful performances or product successful results, frequent feedback and rewards for employees who show desirable behaviours, earlier studies of obm involved using positive reinforcement to achieve desired behaviours. Later studies of obm used behavioural techniques to help: Improve worker safety: reduce theft by employees, reduce shoplifting.

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