PSYB45H3 Chapter 24: Chapter24

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Fear- occurs when a stimulus situation elicits autonomic nervous system arousal and the individual engages in behaviour to avoid or escape from the stimulus situation. Anxiety- respondent behaviour involving the activation of the autonomic nervous system (rapid heart rate, shallow rapid breathing, increased muscle tension). Typically, some event functions as a conditioned stimulus. Both operant and respondent behaviours re involved in the problem. Relaxation training procedures- strategies that people use to decrease the autonomic arousal that they experience as a component of fear and anxiety problems. Progressive muscle relaxation- the person systematically tenses and relaxes each of the major muscle groups in the body tensing and relaxing the muscles leaves them more relaxed than in their initial state. Attention focusing exercises- produce relation by directing attention to a neutral or pleasant stimulus to remove the person"s attention from the anxiety- producing stimulus www. notesolution. com.