PSYB45H3 Chapter 25: Chapter 25 Book Notes
Document Summary
1/ treatments that emphasize cognitive restructuring to decrease maladaptive thoughts that are assumed to cause troublesome emotions. 2/self directed strategies to enhance overt coping skills. Self intstructional training with children typically proceeds through 5 steps: 3/the child performs the task and verbalizes out loud. 1/reinterpretation phase: clients are taught that its not the stressor that is the cause of their nervousness or stress reaction rather it"s the way they view the event. 2/coping training phase: clients learn a variety of appropriate coping strategies, such as relaxation, self instruction and self-reinforcement. Problem solving methods: problem solving methods focus on teaching people how to proceed through logical reasoning to satisfactory solutions to personal problems, d"zurilla and goldfried outlined following steps: 1/general orientation client encouraged to recognize problems and to realize that it is possible to deal with them by acting systematically rather than impulsively www. notesolution. com.