PSYB45H3 Chapter : Textbook#5.docx

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5 Mar 2012

Document Summary

E. g. a behavior that had been reinforced for a period of time was no longer reinforced and therefore the behavior stopped occurring. Extinction occurs when: a behavior that has been previously reinforced, no longer results in the reinforcing consequences, therefore, the behavior stops occurring in the future. If behavior is reinforced, at least intermittently, it will continue to occur. A lot of studies were held; the reinforcer for a problem was eliminated or withheld following the occurrence of the behavior and the behavior decreased in the future. One characteristic of the extinction process is that once the behavior is no longer reinforced, it often increases briefly in frequency, duration, or intensity before it decreases and ultimately stops extinction burst natural reaction. Another characteristic of the extinction process is novel behaviors behaviors appear newly for a brief period when a behavior is no longer reinforced.