PSYB45H3 Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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28 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Chapter 3 graphing behavior and measuring change. Introduction primary tool used to document behavior change is a graph. Components of a graph in typical behavior modification graph, time and behavior are the 2 variables. 6 necessary components: y-axis and x-axis, labels for the axes, numbers on the axes, data points, phase line. Vertical line on the graph that indicates a change in treatment data points are not connected across phase lines: phase labels baseline. No treatment phase label for treatment phase usually identifies the one being used. Graphing different dimensions of behavior other types of graphs are possible for different measured dimensions however the same 6 components of the graph must be present. Used to determine whether the treatment (iv) is responsible for the observed change in target behavior (dv) and to rule out possibility of extraneous variables (confounding variable) that may have influenced the results: functional relationship.