PSYB45H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 22: Stationary Bicycle, Internal Validity, Dependent And Independent Variables
Document Summary
Many bm programs go beyond the basic 4 phases for programs. A study as interval validity if it demonstrates that the independent variable caused the change in the dependent variable. Has external validity to the extent that it can be generalized to other behaviours. Reversal-replicaion design experimental design consising of a baseline phase followed by a treatment phase, then back to baseline condiions, then replicaion of the treatment phase o o. Also called a withdrawal design because the treatment is withdrawn during the second baseline phase. A baseline, b treatment = abab design. Pracical consideraions might limit the length researchers available ime, observer"s ability, students restricions. Ethical consideraions may make you shorten the baseline because it is not good for the o o paricipant. How many reversals and replicaions are necessary? o. If a large efect when independent variable is introduced and if the area has been explore before.