PSYB51H3 Chapter 11: Chapter 11 - study notes
Document Summary
So spatial code of frequency has to do with which hair cell is beign stimulated and which part of organ of corti. Temporal code tells us about frequency by looking at oneee hair cell. 1000hz cuz hair cell can"t fire much faster than that. This has to do with action potentials that has activated but then has to build up itz resting potentials, a minimal of time /b/ 2 action potentials, a. p limited. This diff from photoreceptors that can be faster. You can still go beyond that cuz u have more than 1 hair cell but then u still have to join all thediff neurons together and when joining neurons it can"t be that accurate, another limitation. Ch 11 m usic and speech percept ion. Spoken words and music are complex sounds w/meaning, convey emotion. Pythagoras convinced musical intervals they found most pleasing should provide greatest insights to universe. Music therapy sing, dance, play to music.