PSYB57H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Wax Tablet, Edward B. Titchener, Understanding Consciousness

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Psyb57-10w-w01 - how the brain gives rise to the mind. Cognition is the internal interpretation/transformation of stored information. Perception, emotion, representation, encoding, working memory, attention, executive processes, decision making, motor cognition/mental simulation (setting up our responses) language. Explain who was involved in the early evolution of cognitive psychology, from philosophy to introspection to behaviorism (pp. Philosopher plato (427-347bc) - memories are like etching on a wax tablet, people differ in their harness and purity of the wax. Rene descartes (1596-1650) - distinction between mind and body, mind is qualitatively distinct form body. John locke (1632 - 1753) - contents of mind, thoughts is a series of mental images. George berkeley (1685 - 1753) - abstract concepts (justice, truth) could not be conveyed effectively by images storing information cannot be limited to mental images. Birth of scientific study of mental activity (introspection): wilhelm wundt (germany) (1832 1920)