PSYB57H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Temporal Lobe, Anterograde Amnesia, Retrograde Amnesia

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Psyb57-10w-w05 - encoding and retrieval from long-term memory. Define long-term memory, and understand the divisions between declarative (explicit) and nodeclarative (implicit) memory (pp. Long term memory: information that is acquired in the course of an experience and that persists so that it can be retrieved long after the experience is past. Declarative/explicit and nondeclarative (implicit: declarative memory consist episodic memory and semantic memory, episodic memory: memory of events, semantic memory: knowledge about things in the world (facts) Tests that assess declarative memory are termed explicit memory tests. Highly flexible: multiple piece of information uniform form: nondeclarative memory: nonconscious forms of long-term memory hat are expressed as change in behaviour without any conscious recollection. Test measures performance and not description of the content of memory. Do not require medial temporal lobe structures that are important to declarative memory. Explain the case of h. m. , and discuss how it relates to the discovery of the dissociations between different forms of memory (pp.