PSYB57H3 Chapter 12: Chapter 12.pdf
Document Summary
Mental image preferable for moving patterns - harder to draw motion in a diagram! Elaborate or detailed forms dif cult to imagine - better to depict ! Organization crucial! seeking a path toward a goal ! Problem solving is comparable to process of searching - as one navigates through a maze, Initial state: knowledge & resources one possesses at oust! Operators: actions that can change our state as you move toward the goal! Path constraints: ruling out some solutions due to limits (limited time/money, ethical limits)! Problem space: set of all states that can be reached in solving this problem ! Branches to show moves available - options leading to more branches! To go through all the possible solutions is time consuming! Hill-climbing strategy: at each point, choose option that moves you direction of your goal ! Some strategies may require you to go back in order to move forward" ! Helps break goal state into smaller subgoals !