PSYB57H3 Chapter 3: Chapter 3- Perceiving objects and recognizing patterns

134 views7 pages
9 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Because the formation of most percepts involves some classification and recognition, most instances of perception involve some pattern recognition. The existence of this phenomenon suggests that perception is an active constructive process, which means that perception is not completely determined by the stimulus display; it requires the participant"s active participation. We make a simplifying interpretation without being aware of it. Feature analysis: some psychologists believe such analysis of a whole into its parts underlies the basic processes used in perception. Instead of processing stimuli as whole units, we break them down into their components using our recognition of those parts to infer what the whole represents www. notesolution. com: the parts searched for and recognized are called features. In other words, they found evidence of separate horizontal line detectors and vertical line detectors as well as other distinct detectors: certain detectors appear to scan input patterns looking for a particular feature. If a demon finds such a feature, it screams.