PSYB57H3 Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - History, Methods, and Paradigms

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17 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Memory & cognition chapter 1 h istory, methods, and paradigms. Cognitive psychology how people acquire, store, transform, use, and communicate information; what goes on when we perceive, attend, remember, think, categorize, reason, decide, etc. Cognitive processes occur rapidly, with little effort, without our realization, and occur simultaneously or very closely in time. knowledge comes from an individual"s own experience; the environment plays an important role. There are individual differences in genetics, but human nature has malleable/changeable aspects. Focus on the elemental components of the mind, rather than on why/how the mind works. The proper setting for experimental psychology is the laboratory in order to determine the t rue nature of the mind. wilhelm wundt; table of mental elements when combined produce complex mental phenomenon. use investigation technique of introspection, presenting trained observers with stimuli and asking them to describe their conscious experiences; assumed raw materials of consciousness were sensory and therefore below the level of meaning.