PSYB57H3 Chapter 2: An Overview of Structure & Function
Document Summary
Memory & cognition chapter 2 the brain: an overview of structure & The grain grows from 0 to 350 grams (~3/4 lbs) during the prenatal period and continues after birth; maximum brain weight of 1350 grams (~3 lbs) achieved at ~20 years old. Most post birth brain growth occurs before 4, but changes continue through adulthood. develops from one of three bulges in the embryo"s neural tube. Three major structure: medulla oblongata transmits information from the spinal cord to the brain regulates life support functions (eg. heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, etc, pons. neural relay centre facilitating the crossover of information from. Involved in balance and processing visual and auditory information: cerebellum. Little brain ; one of the most primitive brain structures. governs balance and general motor behaviour and coordination. brain lesions can cause irregular and jerky movements, tremors, impairement of balance and gait.