PSYB57H3 Chapter 5: Chapter 5 notes

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27 Feb 2011

Document Summary

The echo: sensory memory for auditory material, moray, bates and barnett gave participants a four eared listening task, similar to the dichotic listening task. Strings of random letters were presented in each of the 4 channels. Information that can be stored appears relatively unprocessed, meaning that most has to do with physical aspects of the stimuli rather than with meaningful ones. Short term memory: free recall experiment- people are presented with a list of words and are just asked to recall all the words. Results show that people recall more words at either the beginning or the end of the list than they do words in the middle. If the experimenter reads the list rapidly to prevent rehearsal of items, the primacy effect disappears but the recency effect remains: the recency effect d thought to result from participants" using either sensory memory or stm.

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