PSYB64H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Pia Mater, Dura Mater, Peripheral Nervous System

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Lecture 2 chapter 2: functional neuroanatomy and the evolution of the nervous system. Rostral: structures that are located in the direction of the head end of the animal (e. g. the head of a dog is rostral to its shoulders) Caudal: structures that are located toward the tail end of the animal (e. g. a dogs ears are caudal to its nose) These anatomical directions change for humans because two-legged stance causes changes in neuroaxis. Neuroaxis: an imaginary line that runs the length of the spinal cord to the front of the brain (curves in the front) The anterior-posterior and superior-inferior directions do not change with the bending of the neuroaxis (would be the same in the dog and the human) Midline: an imaginary line dividing the body into two equal halves. Ipsilateral: structures on the same side of the midline. Contralateral: structures on opposite sides of the midline.

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